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“Ellissi” is a container portraying the architectural archetype of the Italian culture projected into the future. With this work  we would like it to represent for the whole world  a strong and clear Italian architectural identity .

On the Inside of “Ellissi” will be placed all the  Italian excellence which the world loves:, Art ,  Music, wine gastronomy ,Fashion, Design, Architecture Technology, Cinema, Performances, History, Tourism, and all wrapped up in famous Italian hospitality.

All of the excellences cited above  will be inside of “Ellissi” one “Show Room” and point of sale, both to the details for specialized businessmen, and in some cases the visitors who want to see and interact with all aspects of the production.

A clear example could be that in the restaurant industry, because inside the specialized restaurants, representative of various real life Italian cultures, the clients can taste all the many  famous special dishes of Italy .

Learn the methods of production and acquire , both the details  and wholesale prices, for all the special ingredients just tasted.

“Ellissi” will become an “Italian Exposition Paradise”, where The  Italian Excellence will be utilized directly in the countries where  “Ellisse” will be constructed and located: Arab Emirates, China, Russia, Brazil, India, Pakistan, Mongolia, and in every country where the Italian “Dolce Vita” is appreciated and  much loved.

“Ellissi” will also become like a “ Grand Italian Consulate” dedicated to the requests  of  the foreign visitors , who  can enjoy the Italian excellence and also  provide  advice  from our specialized  Italian “Official Travel Agency ”, to organize personalized travels in Italy . For example they  can visit and enjoy the   traditional operas directly in the  places of their origin, and absorb  its history ,wrapped up and   kidnapped by the Italian dream  of “ Dolce Vita “.

“Ellissi” will be the economic engine  that can highlight the recovery of our many companies, further more the birth of  many  new businesses. Relying on the enormous potential inherent in the system itself , in the presentation, promotion and sale of the "Made in Italy" to the world

The first step to give  an economic value to project “Ellissi” was to establish a company based on English laws.

The company now titled A.B.C.D “ Art, Business, Communication, Development.”

It must be created on an interactive  platform onto  which ,  various contracts will be  inserted, for the realization of a business  plan of  5-10 years .  It could be presented in a” Virtual” manner to our “Ellissi” representatives in the,  Arab Emirates, China, Russia, Brazil, India, Pakistan, Mongolia, etc.

Educating them comprehensively  in the knowledge of what are the available products from “Ellissi” and the various excellent Italian brands , that can be  acquired with  a letter of contract .

This method of virtual presentation can also make visible  the “Project Ellisse” to all who  are visiting  the interactive platform. So  they can  enter and become involved  in ”Project Ellissi”.

Other important  objectives of the interactive platform can be the presentation of “Ellissi” to the political  economic guidelines of China  and Russia.In the next two years  China will be ready to liberalize , the steady flow of tourists , to Italy, from their country will commence .

Russia is a classic example of  a real  flood of tourists,  who love  “shopping in Italy”It will also be necessary to create a targeted political tourist,  to welcome the new economic tourism that will be arriving into Italy from the countries, which until a short time ago, were defined as ’’ in  development ”,for example Brazil and India .

Furthermore, the interactive platform which  will be  ready soon, and able  to offer the possibilities to all consumers that wish to visit Italy and would like   to know the history and  the culture. To enjoy our world famous  assets of Art  comprising of ancient, modern and contemporary. Discover  our  beautiful landscapes and our  magnificent architecture. Enjoying also of the richness of the  wine-gastronomies that distinguishes  Italy from the rest of the world. With the assistance  of our  official travel agency we will provide  the maximum of Italian quality  in the organization of travel and hospitality . 

We can envisage the” Ellissi buildings“ becoming a symbol of our culture and business linking Italy  across the world, offering  the ultimate  in Italian quality .



International coordinators Carlo gandolfi & Gianfranco Rosini

architectural project:

Arch.Carlo Gandolfi -

Creating fashion:

Fashion designer

 Dott.Elena Veroi - MariaPia Inparato

Art manager :

Dott.Gianfranco Rosini ( Rosini Gutman gallery )

Music manager:

Dott.Enzo Barra-Delilha

Financial project:

Dott. Sandro Lepri

Dott. Graziano Giovagnoli RSM

 Law consultant:

Avv. Josef Raggini RSM

Design Format :

Enzo Bellini


The Project and Idea of “ Ellissi” is protected by the international law




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